Basic Knowledge / Working Knowledge / Jedi Master
Axure, Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, Bootstrap, UiKit, Github
HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX, Node.js, Express.js, Handlebars
Heroku, mongoDB, noSQL, Firebase, MySQL, Sequelize, Git
Looking for a UX Designer
with dev experience?
Victor van Slee
(630) 656 4362
Aspiring contributor to the advancement of technology, I am pursuing a career in user experience design and web development. Experienced in languages and libraries such as HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, JQuery, Bootstrap, Firebase, and Node.js, I wish to push the boundaries of the software industry.
Northwestern University, Chicago, IL October 2017
  • An intensive 24-week long boot camp dedicated to designing and building web applications. Skills learned consisted of HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, JQuery, Bootstrap, Firebase, and Node.js.
Elgin Community College, Elgin, IL
May 2016

Associates in Arts
  • Member of Phi Theta Kappa Honors Society
Crystal Life Technology, Inc.
9/2010 - 8/2016

Sales Associate
  • Resident IT specialist, maintaining updated computer systems
  • Presentation skills, management skills, organizational skills, creativity, attention to detail
  • Taught weekly hour-long classes on various topics relevant to products sold in store
  • Co-managed online marketing presence via blogs and newsletters
Pantry Raid UX Designer, UI Developer
  • This fully functional and user-ready app was built in school. I designed and developed the UI, while my partner wove magic with JavaScript
  • Consumer facing grocery management app. Maintain your pantry by tracking expiration dates, save money by knowing what you have, and manage your grocery list on the go.
  • Checkout Pantry Raid for yourself!
  • View the code on Github
Kubo UX Designer, UI Developer
  • This working concept was our second group project at Northwestern. I co-designed and co-developed the UI
  • Streamlined communication app between tenant and landlord. Access important documents, never miss a notification of what's happening in your building/unit, and post work tickets for any service request.
  • Checkout Kubo for yourself!
  • View the code on Github
Design Work
Dev Work
Pantry Raid
Consumer facing grocery management app. Maintain your pantry by tracking expiration dates, save money by knowing what you have, and manage your grocery list on the go
Streamlined communication app between tenant and landlord. Access important documents, never miss a notification of what's happening in your building/unit, and post work tickets for any service request
Streamlined communication app between tenant and landlord. Access important documents, never miss a notification of what's happening in your building/unit, and post work tickets for any service request
Crystal Collector
A game of both skill and chance that uses hidden values to reach the goal. Each crystal holds a number that is added to your total after each click. Utilizes HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, and JQuery
Space Trivia
Test your knowledge of the final frontier! A simple but fun timed trivia application that utilizes HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, and JQuery
Victor van Slee
Chicago, IL